Our Products

Greenhouse custom

A custom greenhouse is a structure that is designed and manufactured to meet the specific needs of your crops. It is used to protect crops from the elements and to create an optimal growing environment for your plants.
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French made

After years of marketing Italian greenhouses, we wanted to start a LOCAL production. This is to reduce the cost of transport and better control of quality.

Established in the Lot & Garonne since always, we wanted to mount this project in our department, in the town of Layrac.

Greenhouses custom advantages

– Environmental control: Custom greenhouses create an optimal growing environment for your crops, controlling factors such as temperature, humidity and brightness. This makes it possible to grow plants that cannot grow in outdoor weather conditions or extend the growing season for plants.

– Extended growing season: Custom greenhouses allow plants to be grown throughout the year, protecting crops from extreme temperatures and weather. This can increase yields and allows you to offer fresh products all year round.
– Closed-loop production: Custom-built greenhouses create a closed-loop growing environment to control irrigation and fertilization levels, reduce water loss and limit pesticide requirements.

– Customization: Custom greenhouses can be designed according to the specific needs and requirements of each user. They can be manufactured in a variety of sizes and shapes, using different materials and equipment

Do you have a greenhouse project

Contact us. Our team will be happy to support you in your project by bringing you its expertise.
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